Smooth Roller is a ball-rolling game based on smoothly curved surfaces and strategic physics.
Roll the ball from its starting position and make contact with the finishing cylinder.
  • The amount of energy you have in each level is limited.
  • The ball will fall through holes in the surface.
  • Gold blocks will move when hit.
  • Blue pyramids won't budge.
  • Green attractors will pull you towards them.
  • Red repellers will push you away from them.
Be judicious with your energy.
Small bursts of force on the ball are all that is needed.

Have fun rolling.
Look for future versions where more sophisticated camera models and more interesting surfaces are featured.

Comments and criticism are welcome at:
Levels included:
  • Slalom
  • Simple bounce
  • Bridge
  • Slim margins
  • A ball must get through
  • Spiral descent
  • Smooth landing
  • Black hole escape
  • Push and pull
  • Side route
  • Fortress
  • Attractor
  • A good bounce
  • Castle gate

Preview levels on YouTube
Preview game play on YouTube
Download the game at for Windows and Mac OS, or play in the browser.
Installation instructions

1. Download the file for your platform. (Windows or Mac OS)

2. Unzip the download. On Windows, make sure you actually extract the zip file by right-clicking it and choosing "Extract all".

3. Double click on the "Smooth Roller" file to play. (SmoothRolllerWindows.exe or
   On Mac OS, when a dialog tells you that the app can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer, simply go to System Preferences, click "Security and Privacy", and click the button to allow the app to run.

4. Enjoy.

Smooth Roller is the first ball-rolling game that uses smoothly curved surfaces, modeled with NURBS.

In other ball-roller games, the motion of the ball along a surface is generally a poor approximation to the true motion in reality. In these simulations, the ball is actually moving across a series of small flat triangles which make up the model of the surface. Even when these triangles are very small, and the surface appears to be smooth, the physics of a rolling ball will ultimately be incorrect, and often times jerky. For that reason, games struggle to capture natural motion on curved surfaces, and generally avoid modeling it altogether.

That's too bad because there is beauty in the motion of objects moving on a curved surface, or within a curved field of force. This ball-roller, therefore, aims to simulate the nice smooth motion that occurs in reality. It utilizes NURBS mathematics to accurately model smooth surfaces and the physics of motion along such surfaces.

This is a game about the natural motion along curved surfaces, and about the judicious application of force when navigating from point A to point B on such surfaces.

Copyright © 2019 Atomic Concepts Software